SickStats - map scores
Game: 06 Dec 1997 The Helpequipment Central
Map 19: The Forgotten Outpost 
  Player Ctf-rank Total frags Kills Deaths Suic ides Effici ency Capt points Team bonus Base def FC def FC kill Flag return Assist Pick-ups Caps Flag lost Capt ratio Flag time
Don Hakon 165,3 61 18 2   90 15 20 1   4 3   3 1 1 33,3  
Joensson 128,6 39 17 14 2 51,7 15   1 1 2 2 3 5 1 3 20  
Hanseman 126,7 60 17 14   54,8   30 2 7 2 2   1   1    
Mr Ego 102,0 52 11 14 2 39,1 30 10     2 1   6 2 4 33,3  
Agent 42,9 22 6 16 1 23,8   10   1 4 2   1   1    
Mega 34,6 20 7 16 1 27,3   10     2 2   2   2    
1 Team BLUE 1734630259,545603786 103630 
2 Team RED 813046436,115201286381612,5 
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