SickStats - score calculation
Type of score Description/formula
CTF-rank The CTF-rank is a measurement for total game performance for an individual player. In team games where one team is superior to the other, a skilled player's score in the losing team is often lower than the score of less skilled players in the winning team, due to the team bonus score received after a flag capture. The CTF-rank takes this into consideration. It also considers the relation between kills and deaths (efficiency), since deaths favour the opposite team, not only by getting more points for the other team, but also by weakening the own team making it easier for the opponents to make a capture. The CTF-rank formula:

100 x [Player value] / [Mean value of all players]

  • [Player value] = ([Total frags] - (0,5 x [Kills]) + ([Efficiency] x [Kills]) - [Team Bonus] - [Flag capture points] + [Captures x 7] + [Flag time minutes])
  • [Mean value of all players] = Sum([Player value]) / [number of players]
If [Player value] < 0 then [Player value] = 0
Efficiency Efficiency describes an individual player's activeness in the kills and deaths related to this player. It is the number of kills a certain player inflicted upon others in relation to all killings involving this player. A ratio of 1 (=100%) means that all killings involving a certain player were inflicted by this player. The Efficiency formula:

([Kills]-[Suicides]) / ([Kills]+[Deaths]-[Suicides])

If [Kills]-[Suicides] < 0 then [Efficiency] = 0

Kills How many times you killed others.
Deaths How many times you were killed by others (no suicides).
Suicides Uh, donīt know about this one...
Flag capture You get 15 points each time you capture the enemy flag.
Team bonus When a team-mate captures the enemy flag, the other team members receive 10 points each.
Base defence In addition to the "normal" frag you get 1 extra point if the killing takes place in your base.
FC defence In addition to the "normal" frag you get extra points when defending a team-mate who is carrying the enemy flag:
  • 1 point if the enemy you fragged was near your flag carrier
  • 2 points if the enemy you fragged recently had hurt your flag carrier
FC kill In addition to the "normal" frag you get 2 extra points if the victim was carrying your flag.
Flag return When returning your flag you get 1 point.
Assist There are 2 events related to a flag capture that result in extra points. If a team-mate captures the enemy flag shortly after you:
  • killed the enemy flag carrier, you get 2 points
  • returned your flag, you get 1 point
Flag time Time you carry the enemy flag.
Pick up Number of times you pick up the enemy flag.
Captures Number of times you capture the enemy flag.
Flag lost Number of times you lose the enemy flag.
Capture ratio The Capture ratio describes how successful a player is in capturing the enemy flag once it has been picked up. A ratio of 100 means that every pick up resulted in a flag capture. The Capture ratio formula:

100 x [Captures] / [Pick-ups]

Maps won Player scores: Number of maps won by total frags.
Team scores:  Number of maps won by captures.
Win ratio Number of maps won by total frags in relation to all played maps:
100 x [Number of maps won] / [Number of maps played]

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