SickStats - map scores
Game: 10 Jul 1999 North Bobbin Street (mixed)
Map 9: The Crypt of Decay - by Serberus 
  Player Ctf-rank Total frags Kills Deaths Suic ides Effici ency Capt points Team bonus Base def FC def FC kill Flag return Assist Pick-ups Caps Flag lost Capt ratio Flag time
Don Hakon 301,2 107 17 3 2 83,3 60 10 1 1 10 4 6 5 4 1 80 5m:45s
Agent 93,3 67 13 7 3 58,8 15 40   2       3 1 2 33,3 3m:31s
Mega 84,7 27 7 13 3 23,5 15       4 1 3 4 1 3 25 4m:20s
Butcher 72,2 28 12 9 2 52,6   10   3 2 3            
Atomic 25,3 56 7 14 3 22,2   50   2       4   3   2m:22s
Mr Ego 23,3 14 5 15 1 21,1   10           3   3   3m:22s
1 Team RED 2303724854,775100151046125641,711m:38s
2 Team BLUE 692437632,71520 364371614,37m:42s
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