Sickhouse Bureaucrats
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Player Info

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Player Titles Rank move C t R 100 Characteristics Top 3 weapons Player hassle

5 apr 1997
 BBA: 36
 -Major Corpse: 6
 -Flag Fumbler: 1
 -Kamikaze: 29
 Last 3 games: -48%
 Last game: N-P

 Tot games: 52
 -Team Victory: 18
 -Team Loss: 31

Quite suicidal
Rocket Launcher: 41%
Prox Launcher: 16%
Railgun: 11%
Running Riot
Tormented by Cleansweep

5 apr 1997
 BKA: 25
 -Trophy Winner: 11
 -Ctf-rank Heroe: 14
 BBA: 33
 -Flag Fumbler: 32
 -Kamikaze: 1
 Last 3 games: +6%
 Last game: +21%

 Tot games: 79
 -Team Victory: 41
 -Team Loss: 34

Heavyweight captor
Very flag horny
Frequent fumbler
Provides cover
Capture assistant
Rocket Launcher: 54%
Nailgun: 9%
Machine Gun: 7%
Mutual hassle
Running Riot

5 apr 1997
 BKA: 4
 -Trophy Winner: 4
 BBA: 74
 -Major Corpse: 39
 -Flag Fumbler: 19
 -Kamikaze: 16
 Last 3 games: -20%
 Last game: -20%

 Tot games: 83
 -Team Victory: 36
 -Team Loss: 43

Has a deathwish
Rocket Launcher: 53%
Nailgun: 14%
Machine Gun: 9%
Tormented by Titte

5 apr 1997
 BKA: 2
 -Trophy Winner: 2
 BBA: 21
 -Major Corpse: 15
 -Flag Fumbler: 5
 -Kamikaze: 1
 Last 3 games: -3%
 Last game: +13%

 Tot games: 78
 -Team Victory: 37
 -Team Loss: 38

Quite inhospitable
Dislikes snatchers
Rocket Launcher: 37%
Plasma Gun: 15%
Machine Gun: 10%
Mutual hassle
Running Riot

5 jul 1997
 BKA: 5
 -Trophy Winner: 4
 -Ctf-rank Heroe: 1
 BBA: 11
 -Major Corpse: 2
 -Kamikaze: 9
 Last 3 games: -19%
 Last game: -13%

 Tot games: 74
 -Team Victory: 34
 -Team Loss: 39

Quite inhospitable
Rocket Launcher: 41%
Machine Gun: 13%
Railgun: 11%
Tormented by Cleansweep

6 dec 1997
 BKA: 7
 -Trophy Winner: 5
 -Ctf-rank Heroe: 2
 BBA: 10
 -Major Corpse: 4
 -Flag Fumbler: 4
 -Kamikaze: 2
 Last 3 games: -24%
 Last game: -40%

 Tot games: 79
 -Team Victory: 45
 -Team Loss: 30

Decent captor
Rocket Launcher: 55%
Plasma Gun: 10%
Machine Gun: 9%
Tormented by Titte

5 sep 1998
 BKA: 71
 -Trophy Winner: 34
 -Ctf-rank Heroe: 37
 BBA: 19
 -Flag Fumbler: 13
 -Kamikaze: 6
 Last 3 games: +2%
 Last game: N-P

 Tot games: 69
 -Team Victory: 35
 -Team Loss: 31

Top cap-assistant
Great snatch dropper
Very protective
Very blood thirsty
Frequent captor
Rocket Launcher: 46%
Super Shotgun: 10%
Nailgun: 10%
Mutual hassle

9 jan 1999
 BBA: 4
 -Major Corpse: 2
 -Kamikaze: 2
 Last 3 games: -38%
 Last game: -32%

 Tot games: 55
 -Team Victory: 20
 -Team Loss: 31

A bit soft
Suicidal tendencies
Rocket Launcher: 61%
Machine Gun: 8%
Nailgun: 6%
Mutual hassle

10 apr 1999
 BBA: 3
 -Major Corpse: 1
 -Kamikaze: 2
 Last 3 games: -10%
 Last game: N-P

 Tot games: 51
 -Team Victory: 27
 -Team Loss: 23

Quite suicidal
Capture assistant
Rocket Launcher: 40%
Lightning Gun: 11%
Machine Gun: 11%
Mutual hassle
Running Riot

29 jul 2000
 BKA: 54
 -Trophy Winner: 23
 -Ctf-rank Heroe: 31
 BBA: 4
 -Major Corpse: 1
 -Kamikaze: 3
 Last 3 games: +7%
 Last game: +12%

 Tot games: 60
 -Team Victory: 27
 -Team Loss: 30

Top body guard
Very cap-assistant
Very blood thirsty
Feeds on snatchers
Quite inhospitable
Rocket Launcher: 43%
Railgun: 13%
Plasma Gun: 12%
Tormented by Cleansweep

3 apr 2011
 BBA: 3
 -Kamikaze: 3
 Last 3 games: -7%
 Last game: -11%

 Tot games: 29
 -Team Victory: 15
 -Team Loss: 12

Quite inhospitable
Hates snatchers
Capture assistant
Suicidal tendencies
Rocket Launcher: 35%
Plasma Gun: 18%
Machine Gun: 15%
Mutual hassle

18 okt 2014
 BBA: 24
 -Major Corpse: 8
 -Flag Fumbler: 10
 -Kamikaze: 6
 Last 3 games: +21%
 Last game: +27%

 Tot games: 22
 -Team Victory: 11
 -Team Loss: 9

Has 10 greasy thumbs
Psychotic flag snatcher
Heavyweight captor
Very protective
Strong deathwish
Rocket Launcher: 28%
Railgun: 23%
Nailgun: 12%
Tormented by Cleansweep

9 nov 2019
 Last 3 games: -21%
 Last game: -28%

 Tot games: 4
 -Team Victory: 2
 -Team Loss: 2

Frequent captor
Very cap-assistant
Flag horny
Quite fumbly
Murder is fun
Rocket Launcher: 40%
Nailgun: 12%
Plasma Gun: 12%
Tormented by Cleansweep
  • Info only displays players who participated at least once during the 3 most recent game events.
  • C t R 100 means Compared to Rank 100, and shows the difference between a player's CTF-rank and the average CTF-rank of 100. A green bar indicates above 100, and a red bar below 100. A black dot indicates non-attendance.
  • Characteristics, top 3 weapons and player hassle are based upon each player's individually 3 most recent games.

If this isn't sick enough for you, contact Webmaster.
© Sickhouse Bureaucrats 1997